公司英文名稱: BGRIMM Advanced Material Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
中文地址: 北礦新材科技有限公司
英文地址: BGRMM Advanced Materials Science&Technology Co.,Ltd
總部: 中國/China
地區: 北京
展位編號: W1.1575
公司中文描述: 北礦新材科技有限公司是由中央直屬大型科技企業北京礦冶研究總院以其所屬北京鎢鉬材料廠(BTMMF)和金屬材料研究設計所(SIMM)為基礎,與北京市科學技術委員會共同出資組建的高新技術企業,是國內一流的集研究、開發、生產、經營四位一體的現代材料科技公司。公司擁有多臺(套)行業中領先的研發和生產設備,擁有完整先進的檢測儀器,擁有多條熱噴涂材料和鎢鉬難熔材料等產品生產線,公司已通過ISO9001質量管理體系認證和GJB9001B-2009軍品質量管理體系認證。主營產品有藍寶石長晶爐的熱場部件、全系列氬弧焊用鎢電極、不銹鋼焊絲、鎢鉬制品,熱噴涂用合金粉、陶瓷粉、金屬陶瓷粉、復合粉以及熱噴涂制品加工、鋁合金添加劑。
公司英文描述: BRGIMM Advanced Materials Science & Technology Co., Ltd (BAMSTC) was the high-tech enterprise jointly organized with the Beijing Science and Technology Committee. It was incorporated by Beijing tungsten and molybdenum materials factory and the institute of metallic material , both which were directly under the central large technology companies Beijing General Research Institute of mining and metallurgy. The company was domestic first-class set of research, development, production, operation, four in one of modern materials technology one.BRGIMM Advanced Materials Science & Technology Co., Ltd (BAMSTC) currently owns six categories of products and services, including sapphire crystal growth furnace, thermal spray materials, tungsten molybdenum refractory materials, coating processing, aluminum additives. The company has more than one (set) industry leading R & D and production equipments, has complete advanced detection equipments, has a number of thermal spray materials and tungsten and molybdenum refractory materials product lines, the company has adopted ISO9001 certification and GJB9001B-2009 military quality management system certification.
行業: 光學
主要產品: 光學生產技術 傳感器、測試測量 光學生產輔料