公司英文名稱: Dongguan LOTS Automation CO., LTD
中文地址: 廣東省東莞市南城區宏圖高新科技開發區宏三路兆炫科技園B棟3樓
英文地址: 3rd Floor, Zhaoxuan Technology Park, Hongtu Hi-tech Development Zone, Nancheng District, Dongguan, China.
總部: 中國/China
地區: 廣東
展位編號: W1.1229
公司中文描述: 樂視科技(LOTS)擁有開發、生產機器視覺高品質光源的頂級軟硬件技術和豐富的現場經驗,現代化的光源制造技術是LOTS的核心競爭優勢,我們是首家采用插件機、波峰焊、貼片機和回流焊等設備來代替人工焊接的企業,避免了傳統機器視覺光源可能出現的死燈、漏焊、發光不均勻而導致整個檢測系統無法運行的難題。此外,LOTS持有世界知名品牌的工業鏡頭和工業相機以及YAMAHA機器人的國內銷售權,我們有優秀的視覺工程師可以幫助您免費選型。
公司英文描述: Lighting & Optics Tech Specialist is a leading organization in developing and manufacturing machine vision lights for the advanced lighting industry. We supply a broad range of solutions in light, lenses and cameras. Our extensive line of LED lighting products are designed specifically to work with today’s advance machine vision and imaging systems. Our industry leading strict quality warranty and meticulous attention to design and manufacturing, every LED vision light produced by LOTS is held to the highest standards in the vision system and imaging field.We are proud to be the most reliable and innovative manufacturer in this niche market.
行業: 光學
主要產品: 機器視覺 智能相機 板卡 軟件包 配件 光源 輔助產品 圖像處理系統 機器視覺集成