公司英文名稱: ACH Technology Co., Ltd.
中文地址: 上海市黃浦區北京東路668號科技京城西樓27C
英文地址: 27C,No.668,Beijing East Road,Shanghai
總部: 中國/China
地區: 上海
展位編號: W1.1147
公司中文描述: 上海圖星電子科技有限公司(ACH)成立于2005年6月,本公司是日本ARTRAY集團在中國的分公司,從事圖像處理產品(工業相機,高速相機,特殊相機) 軟硬件的研發和產品在中國的銷售。作為一家集研發、設計、銷售,服務于為一體的科技型綜合性企業,依靠自身強大的技術能力,為客戶提供優質的產品與服務。公司目前擁有優秀的軟硬件工程師,在機器視覺自動化檢測行業、光學領域、交通領域、視覺圖像等方面有著豐富的經驗,并能夠根據客戶需要提供系統化設計方案,特別是擁有進行FPGA模塊的高速處理硬件技術.。 ARTRAY集團卓越的構思和先進的軟件技術能夠實現更先進的圖像應用,為信息化的社會作貢獻。
公司英文描述: With the operation philosophy of “Offering the unique image machine”, “To achieve the aim of mutual trust” and “Improving the satisfaction of staffs”, and in face of the persified marketing environment , the rapidly development of technology , the Japan ARTRAY company is raising technology development capability, proposal ability and creativity skills actively. The company dedicates to offer the clients the high quality product and improve the satisfaction of them. The Japan ARTRAY company is established in April, 1995, and which entrepreneurial goal is to popularize the applying of the image processing. The ACH Technology Co.,Ltd is set up in June, 2005, which is the branch office of ARTRAY in China, we devote ourselves to research and development and sell the product in China, which include of the industrial cameras, the high speed cameras and other special cameras. As a technological and comprehensive company of concentrating the R & D, design, sales, services together, and depending on the strong technical ability, we will offer the clients the high quality product and services. Now our company not only has the best software engineer but also the hardware engineer, they have the rich experience in automation testing industry, optics, transportation and visual image, and they can also accord to the client’s requirement to offer the systematic design proposal, especially they master the hardware technology to deal with the FPGA.ARTRAY’s creative idea and advanced technology can handle the image more easily and quickly, and make a big contribution for the informational society. And in October, 2011, we establish the new branch office in Beijing- Beijing ImgRead Technology Co., Ltd
行業: 光學 半導體制造業 其他
主要產品: 光學 傳感器、測試測量 光學測量系統 成像技術 機器視覺 原材料 光學晶體 半成品光學元件 鏡頭 衍射光學 光學傳輸元件 其他光學元件 被動光學元件的輔助軟件 激光特性測量系統 光學參量測量分析系統 設備、系統光學參量測量系統 光學測量系統 光學傳感器 半自動化激光測試測量系統 全息測試測量系統與部件 成像元件 應用 圖像處理 顯示 監控組件 顯示組件 顯示元件 智能相機 板卡 軟件包 配件 工業鏡頭 光源 輔助產品 圖像處理系統 機器視覺集成