公司英文名稱: Shanghai Advanced Silicon Technology Co., Ltd.
中文地址: 上海市松江區養石路88號
英文地址: No. 88 Yangshi Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai
總部: 中國/China
地區: 上海
展位編號: W1.1647
公司中文描述: 上海超硅集團致力于先進晶體生長設備(人工晶體生長設備及其集中控制系統)、先進材料(集成電路用拋光硅片、藍寶石晶體生長及 基片制造、其他人工晶體等)、LED應用(LED封裝、LED顯示屏及LED照明)三大領域,以及與這三大產業群相關的研究、開發、生產、銷售和技術服 務。集團產品包括高精密全自動晶體生長設備、8英寸集成電路級硅片、太陽能電池用硅材料、復合半導體材料、MEMS等特定使用材料、LED用藍寶石晶體/ 晶片、特種窗口用藍寶石晶體/晶片,高品質人工晶體(各種摻雜YAG、LYSO、鈦寶石等)、LED戶內外顯示屏、LED照明器件以及相關的各種技術咨詢 與服務。上海超硅集團旗下擁有上海超硅半導體有限公司、蘇州君耀光電有限公司和重慶超硅光電技術有限公司三個實體制造企業。上海超硅半導體有限公司于2010年4月開始運營,擁有廠房約10000平方米(其中包括10級在內的潔凈廠房約3000平方米),注冊資本5500萬元。作為超硅集團總部,是集團的研發中心和先進材料、先進設備制造基地。蘇州君耀光電于2007年在蘇州工業園區成立,擁有廠房約5000平方米(其中包括潔凈廠房約3000平方米)。于2011年成為上海超硅全資子公司。是集團的LED封裝基地。重慶超硅光電技術有限公司于2011年1月在重慶兩江新區注冊成立, 自有土地140000平方米,其中一期建筑約60000平方米(包括潔凈廠房約10000平米),注冊資本人民幣6010萬。是集團包括LED應用產品、先進材料生長在內的大型生產基地。集團核心技術團隊擁有多位博士、碩士及一批國內外專業人士。我們多年潛心于晶體生長、半導體材料與器件、LED封裝及應用 工程等,并專注于相關產品的研發、品質控制、市場銷售以及生產管理等。我們目前已經擁有發明專利5項、實用新型專利12項,自主研發的高新技術產品兩項, 并獲得《國家高新技術企業》和《江蘇省優秀民營企業》證書,我們并已通過ISO9001質量、ISO14001環境論證OHAS18001安全與健康體系 論證。集團立足大陸,面向世界,致力于為全球客戶提供高品質的產品與優良的服務,創建客戶、供應商、員工與社會的和諧統一發展理念。我們將努力不懈地為我國微電子產業、光電子產業、人工晶體產業以及節能降耗的綠色照明產業貢獻力量。
公司英文描述: The AST Group is delicated on advanced crystal growth equipment (IOL growth equipment and its centralized control system), advanced materials (IC polished silicon,sapphire crystal growth and substrate manufacturing, other IOL), LED applications (LED encapsulation, LED displays and LED lighting). Mean while, AST also associated with these three major industry groups, research, development, production, sales and technical services. Our products include high precision automatic crystal growth equipment, 8-inch IC grade silicon solar cells silicon material, compound semiconductor materials, MEMS specific materials used, LED sapphire crystal / chip, special window with sapphire crystal / chiphigh-quality artificial crystal (doped YAG various LYSO, sapphire, etc.), LED indoor and outdoor display, LED lighting devices as well as a variety of technical consulting and services.AST consists of the following wholly owned subsidiaries: Shanghai Advanced Silicon Technology Co., Ltd., Suzhou Jointec Technology Co., Ltd., and Chongqing Advanced Silicon-optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd., which are located in Shanghai, Suzhou and Chongqing , respectively.Shanghai Advanced Silicon Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2010 and is located in the Shanghai Songjiang District. The plant is 10,000 sq. meters and the registered capital is 55,000,000 RMB.Suzhou Jointec technology Co., Ltd was established in 2007 and is located in Suzhou industry Park. The plant is 4,000 sq. meters. The plant is capable of producing up to 100,000,000 pieces per month. In 2011, the company was acquired by AST and become a part of the AST.Chongqing Advanced Silicon-optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2011 and is located in the Liangjiang New District. The plant is around 140,000 sq. meters and the registered capital is 60,100,000 RMB.Our R&D team consists of seven Ph.D.'s and dozens of other degreed engineers.We have already owned tens of patents.In 2010~2012, we have been certified ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHAS18001.AST Group is keeping a foothold at the Mainland, facing the worldwide markets, committed to providing worldwide clients with high quality products and excellent service;As well as growthing together with customers, suppliers, employees and society. We will strive tirelessly to contribute to China's microelectronics industry, opto-electronics industry, IOL industry, and energy-saving green lighting industry.
行業: 光學 半導體制造業
主要產品: 激光器和光導發光元件 光學 照明技術與能源 固體激光器 氣體激光器 二極管激光器 光纖激光器 其他激光器 激光系統元件 激光器零部件 非相干光和發光源 電子光學 聲光元器件 光電管 光電元件 光學系統 光學力學 激光及光學軟件 貼裝和裝配系統 原材料 光學晶體 半成品光學元件 鏡頭 衍射光學 光學傳輸元件 其他光學元件 被動光學元件的輔助軟件 材料加工原材料 照明技術 光伏與再生能源