公司英文名稱: Lissotschenko Mikrooptik GmbH
中文地址: 德國
英文地址: Bookenburgweg 4-8, 44319 Dortmund, Germany
總部: 德國/Germany
地區: 海外
展位編號: W3.3726
公司英文描述: Founded in 1992 - 220 employees - 24 nations - more than 300 patentsAt LIMO's headquarters in Dortmund, Germany, an international team of more than 220 engineers, physicists, technicians and many other specialized staff develops customized solutions and manufactures innovative products. LIMO was founded near Paderborn in 1992, relocated to the “Technologiezentrum Dortmund” in 1995 and operates today from industrial park “Dortmund Wickede”, located in the direct neighborhood of the Dortmund airport. On 10,000 m2 floor space, LIMO runs approximately 2000 m2 of clean room and 800 m2 of in-house metal machine shops. At present LIMO holds more than 300 patents.We regard ourselves as strategic partner to leading companies using laser photons. Our mission is to help our business partners in the materials processing, medical technologies & photonic industries to become more successful with our cutting edge technologies. We are world-market leader in refractive micro optics and have been awarded for this technology with the “world’s first innovation award 2007”. (Innovationspreis der deutschen Wirtschaft 2007) A laser beam can be effectively shaped and directed by the use of this award-winning technique – therefore, it is possible to create, e.g., linear or rectangular beam shapes. The following industries benefit from our customized solutions: Microlithography, medical equipment, photonics (solid-state and fiber lasers), flat panel display- and photovoltaic production, automotive manufacturing and all other industries that use high power lasers.
行業: 光學
主要產品: 激光器和光導發光元件 光學 光學生產技術 激光加工系統 二極管激光器