公司英文名稱: Beijing Conquer Optoelectronic Tech. Co. Ltd.
中文地址: 北京市海淀區中關村南大街11號百花苑商務大廈
英文地址: Business Building,NO.11,South Main Street Zhongguancun Haidian District,Beiijng China
總部: 中國/China
地區: 北京
展位編號: W1.1813
公司中文描述: 北京康冠世紀光電科技有限公司位于中國“硅谷”——中關村,是一家致力于服務國內外科研機構、研究院所、高校以及企業科研人員的高科技股份制企業。公司主要從事光電子產品的研制、銷售和技術服務。 康冠光電自成立以來一直堅持以自主研發為主,同時與國際著名光電子產品制造商合作,積極為客戶引入國外先進光電子產品。數年來,公司已形成了豐富完善的光電子產品系列,并且能根據用戶需求進行定制產品,其主要產品系列包括: 光電探測器系列 激光器(光源)系列 大功率半導體激光器bar條 電光調制器系列 微波放大器系列 光纖處理工具 公司研發團隊經過多年的自主創新,康冠光電在高速電光調制、高速模擬光電探測、高速數字光電探測、高靈敏度光電探測領域已處于國內同行領先水平。相應產品自推向市場以來,以其穩定、優越的產品性能贏得國內用戶的一致好評。 康冠光電始終秉承著“精誠服務、客戶至上”的原則,在供應優質產品的同時注重于提供專業的技術服務,贏得了廣大國內客戶的信賴。目前,康冠光電的客戶群已遍布國內一流的高校(清華大學、北京大學和浙江大學等)和研究院所(中國科學院、中國工程物理研究院等),并且和北京理工大學、北京郵電大學、北京工業大學等眾多知名高校有深入的合作,同時與這些大學的光電實驗室建立了產學研合作模式。 未來,康冠光電將貫徹“質量為本,創新為源”的方針,不斷更新完善現有產品系列,全力打造專業技術團隊,持續為用戶提供優質、可靠、先進的產品和技術服務。21世紀是光電子技術蓬勃發展的時代,康冠光電愿竭盡所能為您提供服務,與您共創輝煌!
公司英文描述: Conquer Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2003 and located in the famous Hi-Tech Industrial Park in Beijing. As a technology leader in developing innovative fiber-optics communication, fiber-optics sensors and fiber lasers solutions for both commercial and research applications, our mission is to serve customers with creative techniques and reliable products.Conquer Technology has built a broad portfolio of product offerings that include Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), Ytterbium doped dual cladding fiber laser, VGA Fiber extender, DVI Fiber Extender USB Fiber extender, intelligent control amplified spontaneous emitting (ASE) broad band light source modules and instruments, fiber-optics current sensor system, SM/MM/PM fiber-optics couplers and FBT WDM couplers, We serve a broad range of persified markets, including the telecommunications, sensors and lasers industries.Although Conquer is a newly set up company, it has engaged in the fields of fiber-optics communication, fiber-optics sensor and fiber laser for about ten years. Board members including the management were previously holding senior position from various reputable companies in the fields of photonics and electronics. And they had enjoyed successful experiences in management, marketing& sales and R&D during these past years. As a result, our team has established good relationship with our customers and is able to understand their demands readily.“Forging ahead optimistically and creating actively” is our spiritual motive and persistent pursuit. Conquer is and has trained a contingent of young and competent Sales, technical staff and administrative staff with solid expertise and abundant experiences which will guarantee the offering of excellent products and perfect service for our customers. It will be our pleasure and honor to have a full cooperation with our customers. The trust of the customers will be our precious assets.
行業: 光學 精密工程 電氣工程/電子/半導體 數據處理/電信 專業技術服務
主要產品: 激光器和光導發光元件 光學 傳感器、測試測量 光學測量系統 光學信息技術與光通信技術 原材料 光學晶體 半成品光學元件 鏡頭 衍射光學 光學傳輸元件 其他光學元件 被動光學元件的輔助軟件 半自動化激光測試測量系統 全息測試測量系統與部件