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    2013慕尼黑參展商簡介: 杭州雪中炭恒溫技術有限公司

    激光制造網 來源:激光制造商情2013-02-25 我要評論(0 )   

    公司中文名稱: 杭州雪中炭恒溫技術有限公司 公司英文名稱: Xutemp Temptech Co., Ltd. 中文地址: 杭州市文三路90號科技大廈4層 英文地址: 4 Floor, S nbsp;光學航天/航...

    公司中文名稱: 杭州雪中炭恒溫技術有限公司

    公司英文名稱: Xutemp Temptech Co., Ltd.

    中文地址: 杭州市文三路90號科技大廈4層

    英文地址: 4 Floor, S & T Mansion, 90# Wensan Rd, Hangzhou, 310012

    總部: 中國/China

    地區: 浙江

    展位編號: W2.2146

    網址: www.xutemp.com

    公司中文描述: 杭州雪中炭恒溫技術有限公司為浙江省高新技術企業和實驗室恒溫儀器專業制造商,致力于解決各種實驗室恒溫方案。如果溫度變得至關重要,請與我們聯系。 雪中炭產品適用于-95...+400℃,恒溫波動度±0.002...0.5℃的精密恒溫,應用領域包括:航空航天、國防軍工、船舶與核工業、石油化工、制藥工程、醫療衛生、生命科學、農林研究、食品工業、凍土工程、電子電器、計量檢定等領域的檢測、校正、研究及過程控制。 主要產品:低溫/超低溫恒溫槽,精密恒溫液浴槽,檢定裝置,恒溫循環器,冷卻水循環裝置,生化培養箱、精密恒溫培養箱,低溫培養箱、霉菌培養箱、恒溫恒濕箱,人工氣候箱,藥品穩定性試驗箱,高低溫試驗箱、濕熱交變試驗箱,動態恒溫循環系統… 公司擁有從設計到開發完善的人力資源和實驗室、生產車間、生產設備配套,初步形成年產10,000臺套低溫恒溫槽/循環裝置和人工氣候試驗箱的生產能力。現有科研開發辦公及實驗室3,800 M2,按IEC61010-1建設的測量控制實驗室設備電氣安全測試實驗室250M2,適合出口產品安全認證的目擊測試。公司擁有日本松下SMT自動生產線1條及生產車間800 M2,擁有日本村田數控轉塔沖床、折彎機等鈑金設備,鈑金生產車間面積1,000 M2。公司擁有德國Wagner自動噴涂流水線1條,噴涂車間面積1,000 M2。適合低溫恒溫槽、恒溫循環裝置和人工氣候試驗箱組裝的生產車間面積6,000 M2,車間內裝備了符合美國、加拿大、日本等多種國家電源電壓及頻率要求的程控電源系統。公司內部具有完善的電腦網絡系統,實現了完全按照ISO9000質量管理體系要求建立的人力資源、技術開發、銷售客服、生產與設備管理、品質與質量管理、物料管理等ERP管理系統。 公司在實驗室恒溫技術領域處于國內同行的領先地位,主導產品符合中國和歐美等發達國家的產品與安全標準,全部出口產品通過了CSA、NRTL、CE等安全認證。作為機械工業聯合會實驗室儀器及設備專業標準化技術委員會,全國測量、控制和實驗室電器設備安全標準化技術委員會的委員單位,以及國際IEC/TC66/WG1和MT10的專家委員單位,公司在2009年執筆起草制定了低溫恒溫槽、低溫恒溫循環裝置、生物人工氣候箱、生化培養箱等6項產品的國家標準和近10個環境試驗實驗室儀器的安全標準,多次組織和參加實驗室儀器國家標準、安全標準和IEC 61010系列標準的會議工作,在實驗室儀器和設備的產品技術領域、產品安全領域和標準化領域處于國內領先地位。

    公司英文描述: Approved as a provincial High Technology Industrial company, Xutemp is a leading manufacturer of constant temperature instrument for laboratories. Except for the general products listed below, Xutemp provides service for designing and manufacturing of varieties of special products based on temperature technology, covering temperature range from -95 to +400℃, with stability from ±0.002 to 0.5℃, When temperature matters, please contact Xutemp. Applications include air and space, defense and military, boats and nuclear industrials, petroleum chemicals, pharmaceutical engineering, medical treatment, life science, agriculture study, food and light industrials, frozen-soil engineering, electronic and electric, and metrological laboratories for detection, calibration, research and process control. Product line: low and ultra-low refrigerated baths and circulators, precision open baths, precision calibrating baths, recirculating chillers, refrigerated incubators, climatic growth chambers, drug stability chambers, environmental temperature and humidity chambers, and dynamic temperature circulators covering temperature range from -85 to +285℃. Xutemp is efficiently organized by faculty for designing, manufacturing and servicing, and is well equipped with development and test laboratories, manufacturing shops as well as advanced equipment and installations. In the 3,800M2 of the development and application building, 250M2 of the laboratories have been planed for witness tests for safety requirements according to IEC61010-1 for all the exporting laboratory electrical equipment. The meter shop occupies 800 M2, and is equipped with Panasonic SMT machine and related reflux oven, wave soldering stove and automatic assembling line. The sheet metal shop and powder coating shop are installed with Muratec CNC turret punching machine, bending and shearing machines, and Wagner powder application system. 6,000M2 of the assembling shops apply to products from smallest refrigeration baths to giant chillers and chambers, and are supplied by universal power system for different voltages and frequencies for America, Canada and Japan. The designing, manufacturing and office areas are connected with networks and well organized through ERP software based on ISO9001 system for human resources, development and application, sales and service, manufacturing and equipment administration, tests and quality management, and material control etc. Xutemp is in the leading position in field of laboratory temperature technology, safety for laboratory equipment and related standards. Our main products meet requirements of national standards, as well as those for North America and Europe etc, both for technical specifications and safety. All the exporting products are certificated for CSA, NRTL and CE. As a member of National Standard Committee for Laboratory Instrument and Equipment, SAC/TC 338 and IEC TC66/WG1 and MT10, Xutemp is authorized for drafting new National Standards for refrigerated baths, circulators and climatic growth chambers, Safety Standards based on GB 4793.1 for temperature laboratory instruments and equipment, as well as IEC 61010 Safety Standard family.

    行業:    光學   航天/航空   半導體制造業   化工/制藥行業

    主要產品:    傳感器、測試測量   應用系統(按行業分)   其他   激光特性測量系統   光學參量測量分析系統   設備、系統光學參量測量系統   光學測量系統   光學傳感器   汽車工業和OEM   工具制造和機械工程   印刷和制圖   數據處理和信息技術   電子行業   電子工程   半導體工業   塑膠加工   生物光子、生命科學和制藥   科研領域   顯示技術、廣告、藝術演示   傳感器技術   照明技術   太陽能技術   能源和環境工程   航空航天工業   安全工程   成像和機器視覺   儲能生產   其他應用 



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