公司英文名稱: II-IV Trading (Suzhou) Co.,Ltd
中文地址: 蘇州工業園區星漢街5號D棟01樓01-02單元
總部: 美國/U.S.A.
地區: 江蘇
展位編號: W3.3126
公司中文描述: 貳陸進出口(蘇州)有限公司是美國貳陸公司(II-VI INFRARED)在中國的唯一授權銷售子公司,產品主要包括透鏡,輸出鏡,窗口鏡,反射鏡,反射隔離鏡,圓偏振鏡,擴束鏡,掃描激光系統鏡片和采用金剛石車削的定制光學鏡片。經過我們幾十年來在硒化鋅材料加工、薄膜鍍膜、精密金剛石車削加工和成品鏡片制造幾個方面的不斷創新,貳陸紅外公司已成為世界一流的CO2激光鏡片制造商。1971 年創立時,貳陸公司僅專注于生產大功率工業 CO2 激光光學元件用途的高品質材料。如今,本公司已經發展成擁有眾多的下屬業務單位的企業,我們的業務涵蓋了激光傳輸和加工工具(HIGHYAG);近紅外光學元件、YAG激光配件、電信產品(VLOC);光纖通訊產品、投影與顯示光學元件、半導體泵浦激光器、晶體材料及其他光電子產品(Photop);國防和航空航天光學元件(Exotic Electro-Optics);熱電冷卻設備(Marlow Industries);硒、鋅材料(PRM);碳化硅(II-VI WBG)和高級材料開發(II-VI AMDC)。在貳陸公司不斷發展壯大的過程中,我們始終把重點放在我們獨創的和在業界領先的產品上, 即紅外和 CO2 激光光學元件和材料。由于我們公司幾十年來在硒化鋅材料加工、薄膜涂層、精密金剛石切削和光學元件成品制作等方面不斷創新,貳陸公司已成為世界 CO2 激光光學元件領域的領軍者。無論是為世界頂級的激光設備制造商代工生產光學元件,還是為最終用戶提供激光光學元件的配件,本公司同時提供的創新、質量和經驗都是別人無法比擬的。貳陸紅外公司將從原材料生長到鍍膜成品的各個環節進行了垂直整合,其CO2激光光學元件制造流程的規模也是世界上最大的。貳陸公司的產品范圍包括 從CO2 激光光學元件和噴嘴的零配件到透鏡、半透反射鏡、窗口、分光鏡、反射鏡、擴束鏡、掃描激光系統的光學元件、采用金剛石切削的定制光學元件等等。我們憑借產品和信譽成為世界上CO2激光系統領域中首屈一指的原始設備制造商(OEM),我們的全面能力在業內也是無人能夠企及的。貳陸公司裝備有世界上規模最大、最先進的金剛石切削設施,它能為定制的光學元件提供諸如高速切削、多軸切削以及快慢刀伺服加工等服務。在加工由多種金屬和紅外材料制成的透射型和反射型光學鏡面時,將會用到我們擁有的單點金剛石切削設備。在計算機設計程序、鍍膜蒸發設備、無塵室和測試設施方面的大量投資,使我們可以提供豐富的紅外薄膜產品。貳陸紅外公司為大功率 CO2 激光光學元件設計和制造穩定可靠的低吸收率薄膜涂層,并因此在業界享有極高的聲譽。此外,我們還擁有才華橫溢、經驗豐富的工程設計團隊,他們運用先進的光學設計軟件和CAD系統設計和制造標準和定制的光學元件,以及專用的支架鏡座、部件和電光裝置組件。
公司英文描述: In 1971, II-VI Incorporated began by exclusively producing the highest-quality cadmium telluride (CdTe) material available for manufacturing high-power industrial CO2 laser optics. Today, we have persified into producing zinc selenide (ZnSe) material, as well as into numerous business units including laser tools for materials processing (HIGHYAG); near-infrared optics, YAG components, and telecommunications components (VLOC); fiber optics, projection and display optics, DPSS laser, crystal materials, and other photonics products (Photop); defense and aerospace optics (Exotic Electro-Optics); tellurium and selenium products (PRM); thermoelectric cooling devices (Marlow Industries); silicon carbide (II-VI WBG); and advanced materials development (II-VI AMDC). Given this persity of II-VI Incorporated's business units, we have thus christened our original IR materials and optics business unit II-VI Infrared.As II-VI Incorporated continues to grow, II-VI Infrared focuses on the company’s original, industry-leading products: infrared and CO2 laser optics and materials. And thanks to decades of innovation in ZnSe and zinc sulfide (ZnS) materials processing, thin-film coating, precision diamond-turning, and finished optics fabrication, II-VI Infrared is the world leader in CO2 laser optics, delivering an unbeatable combination of innovation, quality, and experience. II-VI Infrared also delivers the largest vertically integrated CO2 laser optics manufacturing process -- from raw materials to finished coated products -- in the world. An optics foundry to CO2 laser original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) the world over, consistently building optics to spec with consistent performance and quality, II-VI Infrared’s products range from replacement CO2 laser optics and nozzles to lenses, partial reflectors, windows, beamsplitters, mirrors, beam expanders, reflective phase retarders, scanning-laser system optics, diamond-turned custom optics, IR optical materials (ZnSe, ZnS, CVD Diamond), and more. Our products and reputation make us the number-one supplier to OEMs of CO2 laser systems worldwide, while our capabilities are without rival in the industry. Our diamond-turning facility is among the largest and most advanced in the world, offering services such as flycutting and multiple-axis turning, as well as fast and slow tool servos for custom optics. Single-point diamond-turning is used in finishing transmissive optics and mirrors in a variety of metals and IR materials.Major investments in computer design programs, thin film evaporation equipment, clean rooms, and QA testing facilities enable us to offer a broad range of IR thin-film coatings. II-VI Infrared is known for designing and producing consistently low-absorption coatings for high-power CO2 laser optics. Additionally, our talented and experienced engineering team, using optical design software and CAD systems, designs and builds standard and custom optics as well as specialized mounts, components, and electro-optic assemblies
行業: 光學 汽車工程 工具制造/電機工程
主要產品: 激光器和光導發光元件 光學 鏡頭 光學傳輸元件