公司英文名稱: Wuxi Xibin Opto-electronic Equipment Co., Ltd.
中文地址: 無錫市新區坊前工業園新風路15號
英文地址: No.15 Xinfeng Rd,Fangqian town,New Area,Wuxi city,Jiangsu,China.
總部: 中國/China
地區: 江蘇
展位編號: W1.1753
公司中文描述: 錫斌光電,全稱無錫市錫斌光電設備有限公司(2001年6月成立無錫市錫斌光電設備廠,2007年4月變更為無錫市錫斌光電設備有限公司,2012年4月成立子公司鹽城錫斌光電科技有限公司)本公司是專業從事光學冷加工設備之研發、制造和銷售為一體的高科技型企業。錫斌光電擁有一支訓練有素、盡職盡責、不怕困難、敢于迎接挑戰的專業性研發設計團隊。長期注重新產品的開發,并得到潘君驊院士等專家的現場指導。公司目前產品有:數控自擺環拋機系列、高速精磨拋光機系列、變頻多軸機系列、柱面機系列、平面銑磨機、滾圓機、倒角機、離心機等,產品廣泛適用于玻璃、陶瓷、藍寶石、硅片、機械密封件、模具等超硬材料的銑磨、研磨、倒角、拋光等。在國內外擁有多家用戶,其中包括中科院長春光機所、成都光電所、上海光機所、西安光機所、中國空空導彈研究院、航天11院、清華大學、蘇州大學現代光學、哈爾濱工業大學等。公司已通過ISO9001:2000國際質量體系認證,并獲得了多項發明專利!技術領先,質量可靠,用戶滿意是公司的宗旨,熱忱歡迎各界朋友蒞臨指導、洽談,讓我們攜手合作,共同發展,成為您所信賴的合作伙伴!
公司英文描述: Xibin Optical, namely Wuxi Xibin Opto-electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. (formerly Wuxi Xibin Opto-electronic Equipment Factory established in June 2001, Wuxi Xibin Opto-electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. established in April 2007, its subsidiary Yancheng Xibin Opto-electronic Sci-tech Co., Ltd. established in April 2012), is a high technical enterprises specialized in the research, development, manufacturing and sale of optical cold processing equipment.Xibin Opto-electronic is endowed with a batch of well trained, responsible, accountable and professional research, development and design team which doesn’t fear difficulty and has the courage to meet challenge. It attaches great importance to the development of new products and has invited Pan Junhua academician and many other experts for field guidance. Currently, its main products are NC automatic swing polishing machine series, high precise fine grinding and polishing machine series, variable frequency multi wheel roller, cylinder machine series, plane milling machine series, rolling machine series, chamfering machine series and centrifuge series etc. Those products are widely used for milling, grinding, chamfering and polishing of glass, ceramic, sapphire, silicon chips, mechanical seals, molds, and many other super-hard machines by many domestic users, herein including Changchun Institute of Optics Fine Mechanics and Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, The Institute of Optics And Electronics The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics Of CAS, China Airbrone Missile Academy, Eleven Research Institute of CASIC, Tsinghua University, Suzhou University Modern Optics Institute, and Harbin Institute of Technology etc.The Company adheres to the tenet of advanced technology, reliable quality and customers’ satisfaction and has obtained ISO9001: 2000 international quality system certificate and many invention patents. Friends from all walks of life are welcomed to visit us for direction and negotiation. Let’s join hands for mutual development. We will be your trustworthy partner!
行業: 光學 精密工程 航天/航空 高等院校 電氣工程/電子/半導體 數據處理/電信
主要產品: 光學 光學生產技術 光學測量系統 光學信息技術與光通信技術 固體激光器 原材料 光學晶體 半成品光學元件 鏡頭 衍射光學 光學傳輸元件 其他光學元件 被動光學元件的輔助軟件 光學生產設備 光學生產加工 光學生產輔料 光學薄膜材料 其他光學生產技術 粘合劑 半自動化激光測試測量系統 全息測試測量系統與部件 光纖、光纜、光纖器件及設備 主動光器件和光通信系統設備 被動光器件和光通信系統設備 光纖測試和測量設備 光纖應用加工與裝配設備